Tuesday, June 28, 2011

streeeesssseddd out

lately i have been feeling a little like this: 
sorry, i just couldn't resist this hilarious image, i believe mrs. wetzel, one of my high school math teachers had a nice oversized tee with this little gem on the front. but anyway, i digress. i've been feeling stressed for a lot of reasons. i have been on the run every weekend (traveling to various FUN events, but nonetheless the not being home thing). i have been doing things like this: 
and this: 
and this:
we are also packing up our apartment for the impending move, one week from day. t has been in charge of that entirely since i have been gone every weekend. we are also out of town this weekend for a wedding in vermont. i am so excited for that though because it will be so relaxing to be away from the city, with good friends and amazing food. again, i digress.  i just feel like i have been focusing so much more on "fun" things i haven't had the time to exercise too much, which honestly keeps me sane. i also do not have a current training plan to follow, which makes me feel a little lost on the exercise front. i have been trying to treat my legs well and stretch and strengthen so i am ready for the coming months. 

this morning, i went for a run without my garmin. it was nice to not worry about pace and just enjoy the empty hudson river path and watch the sun come up. i then proceeded to take an awkward picture of myself which i intentionally cut my face out of because i can't take a picture without looking possessed. is it more awkward that you can see my red chin and toilet? probably. 
 i have also been trying to make healthy eating choices (i have blocked out the bowl of mac and cheese i ate on saturday) like this: 
and this:
omg i am so embarrassed this shouldn't have made it on here! alas, i can't be healthy all the time, and there's no point to beating myself up about it. sorry if this too much for the blog, i just felt like i needed to vent. ON to bigger and better things like: mexican food in my belly after i finish the post,  a new apartment, and a LONG WEEKEND in 3 days!

1 comment:

  1. such a cute post! SO exciting about the new apt. and seriously- i can not get through the day without a dessert after each meal, fruit does not count :)

    let's meet up sooooon! xo
