Sunday, July 10, 2011

race re-cap and life updates

yesterday, i woke up about 5:50 to get ready for boomer's run to breathe (to benefit CF) 10k in the park. it was pretty easy getting out of bed, thankfully.  i completed my morning routine which includes, coffee and a think thin bar, and was out the door pretty quickly. t didn't come with, and i was a little nervous about doing the race all by myself, but i actually found it kind of relaxing and it was good alone time. the race itself was awesome. i'd never run a 10k before and honestly i haven't been running as diligently as i'd like, so i was pretty nervous. per usual, the race was well organized and we were off at about 8:02. i really loved the course, it was a counter clockwise loop of the park, and included the killer harlem hills at the top of the park. i was pleasantly surprised at how good they felt, considering i never run hills. the first 4.5 miles were fantastic. my legs felt fresh and the heat hadn't gotten to me yet.  i made sure to drink water at every station and tried to stay hydrated because it was so hot. my splits were: 9:26, 8:44, 8:50, 8:51, 8:35, 8:20. i feel like i have come a long way with running, and i am very happy with how i did. i just spent 20 minutes trying to upload the results onto the blog, but since i am miserable at formatting,  i'll just type it. my finishing time was 55:09 with an average pace of 8:54. boom. 
and my sweaty awkwardness at the end is HAWT. i took the subway home and i am pretty sure people were running away from because they didn't not want to stand next to my STANK. oh well :) after the run i enjoyed a delicious banana and an ice skinny vanill. 
tk and i headed to BK in the afternoon to pick up stuff from ikea for the new place. we are ALMOST unpacked. i can't wait to show you guys the final product. the best part of my day yesterday was t and i's trip to ABC KITCHEN for our 3rd anniversary. O.M.G. you need to go. i made a reservation just for a fun about a month ago, and i'm so glad we ended up going. the food was amazing. the atmosphere was also glorious. kind of barn-ish with beautiful sparkly lights, vintage floral plates, lots of wood, but totally modern at the same time. you need to go. to start we shared the beets with yogurt (OMFG so good) and the tuna sashimi with mint (also so effing good)
then, for my entree i had the steamed halibut. i wasn't super excited about it when i ordered it, but it was probably the best piece of fish i've ever had. not to mention, the presentation looked like a painting. (okay so maybe not so much in this picture, but i swear it was beautiful)  
everything was amazing, and the service was top notch. i really like this place because everything is locally sourced and a lot of it is organic. they even used pretzel's from lancaster! we didn't opt for dessert, because we were feeling some fro-yo instead. we shared some red velvet with half sprinkles (for my side duh) from the lite choice. so good. 
all in all, it was a fantastic day. we came home early and unpacked some more, and got a good night's rest. on the agenda for today, recovery run? or hitting up the gym, going to the new amsterdam farmer's market and grilling and chilling by the pool. hope everyone had a wonderful saturday!

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