Thursday, April 12, 2012

thoughts on the slow carb diet: it's stupid i am, eating my words. obviously. it's been about 2.5 weeks on the slow carb diet, and i'm done. i'm off the bandwagon. that's not to say i'm abandoning healthy eating, but a girl can't live without manchego or raspberries forever. ultimately, this diet was incredibly restrictive and doesn't really work. i found myself eating way too much meat, feeling sad because the food i could eat was so restrictive and feeling sick after cheat days. all and all, i do not recommend it. i just weight myself, and i am at about 129.4, which is pretty darn close to where i started. it was an interesting practice, but more than anything it just made me angry and did not change my body at all. i'm a pretty healthy eater to begin with, and this just ended up making me mental about weight, food, etc. 
while i've done some interesting things in the kitchen (see above: cauliflower mash and almond/macadamia nut flour crusted shrimp), it just hasn't been worth it. i've been too focused on thinking about cupcakes. and cookies. and chocolate. and skinny vanilla lattes. maybe that's not healthy either, but it was making me sad. 
also, the amount of red meat i was eating CANNOT be good for me. i'm not a huge red meat eater and i'd been eating steak and bacon at least a few times a week. arteries, i'm sorry. 
so what's next, you ask? back to normal. while i realize i REALLY need to keep my paws out of the tortilla chip basket at mexican restaurants, and should probably learn to control my chocolate addiction, other than that, i think my diet is fairly clean. i don't eat many white carbs (except my love, again, tortilla chips..and again, that's only at restaurants) and i am very mindful of what i put into my mouth. i think if anything this diet has taught me how much added sugar is in food, and that's something i will continue to be more mindful about. did you know there are 18G of sugar in a SUGAR FREE LATTE? skim milk has about as much sugar in it as soy milk..who knew..
         any way, thanks for listening to my rant, and hopefully you've learned something. in other news, i'm going to make a green monster smoothie for breakfast with DAIRY in it :) and take the BEST soul cycle class ever. seriously, if you live in NYC, go to Danny Kopel's class, you'll die of happiness. he puts my high kicks to shame.


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