Monday, March 26, 2012

i hate when the weekend's over

so..i'm really trying to keep consistent with blogging. my weekend was a good one. i don't tend to do a whole lot on the weekends. my idea of a great one is, cooking a good meal, going out to a good meal, taking a long run or a good spin class, blog reading, watching hgtv and drinking coffee. i also love just going for walks and exploring the city. call me boring, but that is pretty much perfection for me. 

this weekend was pretty much that. albeit, perhaps a tad quiet than my personal preference. it was great. on friday, i celebrated the weekend by wearing some new shoes. ballet flats from asos. very inexpensive, and make me feel a little more dressed up without wearing heels (i pretty much NEVER wear heels). red pants are also celebratory, right?

friday evening, i fled work as early as i possibly could and enjoyed the rest of the gorgeous afternoon. for dinner, t and i headed to our FAVORITE mexican place, mole in the west village. it's slightly higher end mexican (kind of dos caminos-esque) but not as fussy and not as expensive. it's in the west village and has a great atmosphere and even better guacamole. you can sit outside in the summer and it's gorgeous. after dinner we walked down to battery park city to go see (NOT HUNGER GAMES) 21 jump street. the walk down was gorgeous. based on the blooming trees, you can tell it's definitely spring time in new york. 

21 jump street was HIGH-larious. loved it. i'd say the last 20 minutes of the movie were kind of stupid and i was ready for it to be over. i think t felt the same way. i hope they make a sequel. and seriously, i absolutely love jonah hill and find channing tatum even more attractive now that i know he is funny. 

saturday was a SOUL CYCLE date which pretty much made my life. i met some girl friends for coffee followed by soul cycle. it was bliss. i also followed the class with louise with my favorite peanut butter split smoothie from juice generation. it's terrible for you, but so so good. that was lunch for me :)

on saturday night, i made dinner for t and i. meatballs and red sauce and baked tomatoes with whole wheat bread crumbs/garlic/evoo. very delish. 
sunday was even more relaxed. i woke up and after breakfast, headed to the gym for a work out. it didn't exactly turn out as i hoped. i hadn't run since the half, so i figured i would take it somewhat easy, but still try to get some speed work in. i warmed up with 1 mile at 9:30 pace. after that, i did 15 kettle bell swings and 15 plank pull ins (put feet on a exercise ball and get in plank position and pull in). the plan was to alternate these with 4, 400s at 8:00 pace. However, I only got through 2 before my knee literally almost gave out. i do not think those plank pull ins are a good idea for me. something about the movement kills my knees. i gave up running and did a bit more lifting and then called it a day. 
don't be jealous of my outfit. it's basically my favorite two things and stripes. would you be weirded out if i told you i also was wearing a striped sports bra and underwear? oh you would be? sorry. 

so, in the interest in your time and sanity..i'll stop giving you a play by play of my life and leave you just a few more pics from the weekend. 
best salad from cowgirl seahorse
gratuitous cat photo

that is all. happy monday :) i'll be back tomorrow with some thoughts on the SCD (slow carb diet) and our newest gadget, the WIFI (we call it the wee fee) scale. xx

1 comment:

  1. Your blog makes me laugh. Keep those gratuitous cat photos coming. (and how about some new apartment photos?)
