Wednesday, March 21, 2012

eat liv(e) run

okay, putting that parentheses after the liv every time is going to get old. but i was trying to be creative. as you may have noticed over the years, my blog has sort of changed directions drastically. i used to sit in my little cubicle at my old job looking up photos before things like pinterest and tumblr existed. i think i did this for approximately..well, i really shouldn't say that on here. any way, as i've started running and becoming more focused on healthy eating, cooking, and of course, the blog world, this little place has evolved. so ladies and gents, i present to you..the new..the improved...
i am still working on a lot of things to get my domain to only be mine (vs. being run by blogger) and thinking about perhaps hiring someone to actual design a blog for me. so..if you're reading this and have any suggestions and want to help a girl out, holllllaa. k thx!
in other news, i downloaded diptic today and it is rocking my world. since i'm a wannabe blogger, i present to you my OOTD. in diptic form. 
i am also currently in the middle of a blue print cleanse. in retrospect, probably not the best idea after running the half on sunday, but i'm feeling pretty good. i will do a full review when i'm finished (last day is tomorrow). i also bought tangerine jeans. and i do not have a full length mirror, so i had to climb on a bench to take a picture. 
two things about this photo. first of all, kate middleton would not have to climb on a bench to take a picture of herself, because people are taking pictures of her constantly. second, i do not look like kate middleton in tangerine jeans. not even close. dammit. 
maybe after the juice cleanse? :)  also, who the FU** wears jeans to play field hockey? 
ps--look at creepy jack in the background of that pic. 

1 comment:

  1. I think you look far better than Kate Middleton in your tangerine jeans.
    And Jack is adorable, not even close to creepy.
