Monday, September 19, 2011

life update

guys, it's been a long time. well besides my pumpkin oatmeal post, i know i've been missing for so long. life has been absolutely insane. i had a long run on the schedule yesterday, and so obviously, i had a lot of time to think. and even in just the last week, i thought about this. i've worked 6 days, went to a michigan tailgate, been to 4 different airports, ran 27 miles and am also under an insane amount of emotional stress. i'm surprised i haven't collapsed yet. i'm actually doing okay. but regardless, i have a lot on my plate right now, hence the lack in blogging. 

Philly training has been going super well. KNOCK ON WOOD. i'm now about 6 weeks away (November 20) AH!! i've pretty much stuck to my plan to the tee, which i'm shocked at given how much i've been out of town etc. last weekend i was in boston unexpectedly so couldn't do a full 13, but i managed a tough trail run with t and his sister-in-law. it was a blast! hard, but a lot of fun as i've never really run trails before. this weekend, i did a 13 miler since i missed it last week. i got to wear my brand new I HEART SWEAT shirt (thanks to ali) and felt super cool. people definitely kept staring at my chest though and that was kind of weird.
i was in need of a new route, so i ran from battery park up to the park and then did two lower loops of the park. i really enjoyed running somewhere different! the only problem was race for the cure was going on and i believe i started running down the finisher's shoot at one point but thankfully jumped out before i embarrassed myself.  i did 13 miles in 2:02, average pace of about 9:23. my 11th mile was 8:53! what! i was feeling really good, i think the cooler weather is really helping. after the run, i downed chocolate milk, gatorade and watermelon simultaneously.
 i am running a half marathon in the park on october 1 and i really want to run it in under 2 hours. i am hoping this is possible, seeing as my only other half marathon was run in horrible humidity and i suffered from serious heat exhaustion. i think it will be better! yay!
in other news, i tried marylou's in boston last weekend, and it has changed my life for the better. now, if i only lived there. thanks tina!
i also finished the book "the long run" my matt long. this guy was a firefighter in nyc and was hit by a bus in 2005 and was almost killed. he had a 5% chance of living. he has always been an endurance athlete and his athletic dedication got him back on his feet and he's since completed an ironman and the nyc marathon. talk about motivation.
also, my cat is mildly handicapped. that is all. HAPPY MONDAY!

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