Monday, August 1, 2011

this is getting to be a weekend only thing. not cool.

i suppose that i have only been posting about my weekends because well, it's the only time i do anything remotely cool. and even so, i'm not sure if it would qualify as cool in many people's books. but to me, it was a great week! saturday morning started out bright and early. i think i was up and at 'em by 6:45. it was going to be very hot so wanted to get a run in before things really heated up. i fueled with my new fav combo of greek yog, pb, raspberries and a little spranklin' of kashi. it did the trick. 
i know, i know, it's all hipsterized. sorry. i love instagram, but not usually for the blog. saturday's run was a 7 miler, longer than i'd run super recently, and given the heat i was a bit nervous. i wore my super nifty water belt and also took some gu chomps (which i'd never tried before). they were actually pretty good and got me through the run. i finished the run in about 63 minutes, so 9 minute mile pace. my garmin crapped out and actually went BACK in time the last . 1 mile and that reallly annoyed me. 
after my run, t took me to bed stuy. no that wasn't a typo. he wanted to buy an underwater camera for his tri training and had found one on craigs list. so we took the j train out farther than i have ever been in brooklyn. let me tell you. we stood out like sore thumbs and was actually a slightly frightening experience. i don't think we'll be back any time soon. but, they did have a pretty subway sign. 
again with the damn instagram. sorry. after bed stuy, we headed to williamsburg for lunch. probably the most hipster place IN brooklyn to be exact. we went to ella cafe for lunch and were pretty pleased. i got a cobb salad. it was pretty good, but the enormous chunks of bacon kind of freaked me out. and i normally love bacon.
the rest of saturday was pretty low key. we explored some cool shops in the burg and then headed home. we did actually! go for a beer on saturday night. i was craving my fav, brooklyn summer ale, and tim was kind enough to induldge me in that. we went to ulysses, which is a very cool pub on stone street. i've never been to stone street and it was as cool as everyone says it is. lots of outdoor seating, cobblestone streets and TONS of bars and restaurants. can't wait to go back. please note, this is my "stock photo" of brooklyn summer ale. yes i have a stock photo. i like it that much. 
sunday was pretty glorious! i decided to nix my 3 mile run (part of the marathon training plan) because my achilles was pretty sore and i figured missing 3 miles wasn't going to hurt anyone. i went to soul cycle and did a 1 hour soul survivor class, which was awesome, as usual. after that, tim and i went on an awesome excursion to governor's island. we packed up our picnic and bikes/bike gear and walked down to the free ferry. we hopped right on and were at the island in 10 minutes. SO EASY. 
we had a picnic of chicken salad, beets, broccoli and hummus, baby bell and watermelon. it was quite delicious and so nice to sit outside and eat. governor's island really feels so far away from the city and was a nice getaway. 
our bikes came with us to the picnic as well. after lunch we hopped on and began to explore the island. it was a good opportunity for me to get a bit more comfortable on my bike, because road biking is actually hard and i suck at it. we rode around the island a few times, and said hello to lady liberty. 

tim looks WAY cooler than me, by the way. seriously i look like a weirdo. here's another example. 
                                       do you like my ugly sunglasses and crooked smile?
after our trip, we headed back to the apartment to relax. however, i was ancy per usual and headed out on my own to "window shop" at lulu lemon. let's be honest, we all know how that turns out. i also went to whole foods and pick up stuff for dinner. i came home with three big oops. 
honestly these shorts are SOOO comfortable and i can't wait to run in them, even if my bank account is looking a bit pathetic right about now. and really, yogurt covered raisins are my favorite thing and i really cannot resist them. so i balanced it out with a women's health magazine??? any way...i ended the day with reading a bit more of a fantastic book. it's called maine by j. courtney sullivan, and you should read it immediately. i honestly bought it because of the title, but it's so great and i really can't put it down. if i tell you what it's about, it will sound boring, so i'm not going to. just go out and get it! or borrow mine when i'm done. 
boo. it's monday. now i have to go to work. t-minus 9 days until vacation in..guess where...MAINE!!!!

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